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Princess Royal Training Awards

What is the Princess Royal Training Awards?

In 2017, Princess Royal conferred the Princess Royal Training Award to Dr.Raj Wadhwani, the Clinical Director of Antwerp Dental Group. The award was in recognition of focused training initiatives on clinical and support personnel that resulted in a measurable improvement in employee and business performance as a result of focused training activity. This performance is measured in a number of ways:

  • a measurable improvement in staff satisfaction as a result of the contribution they offer the business
  • an measurable increase in the number of staff who feel fulfilled, manifest by staff surveys or a reduction in staff turnover
  • a measurable increase in the number of patients who are satisfied with our service
  • an increase in patient numbers
  • an measurable increase in commercial viability of the group

To date, Antwerp Dental Group is the only practice in England and Wales to have achieved such prestigious recognition.

The standards applied to recipients of the Princess Royal Training Awards are called Hallmarks 1, 2 , 3 and a summary of Hallmark 1, 2 and 3 are contained in the accordion below. Please click each section to see the areas of evaluation.

Strategic approach to training

  1. There is a strategic approach to learning and development
  2. The organisation works to create a sustainable learning culture

Investment in Learning and Development

  1. Learning and development is planned and delivered appropriately making full use of technology
  2. The investment in resources and time is cost effectives in terms of outcomes achieved
  3. Training is evaluated to support improvement in quality

Measuring Performance Change

  1. Training has resulted in a measurable impact in the performance of the organisation, whether this be measured in improved clinical outcomes or business performance
  2. Training has resulted in a measurable impact on the performance of individuals and those individuals have taken ownership of thier learning and development needs

Leaders in Dentistry through Service, Entrepreneurialism, Innovative Practice, Research and Teaching